Our Wondrous Bible (Part One)


The Bible is the most wondrous, exhilarating, and majestic book of all time. The God of the heavens and the earth is its author. Unparalleled, its wisdom has been guiding the inhabited earth ever since the very first scriptures were written.

Some of the many questions asked about the Bible by those who are seeking the truth concerning life are:

  • Did the Bible really come from God?
  • Does the Bible have relevance to me in my life—today?
  • Can God assist me to get out of a difficult situation?
  • Does the Bible show me how to reach out to God?
  • Is it God’s heart and desire for all mankind?
  • Is it the only true reality?
  • If the Bible is reliable, and if I both understand it and live by the precepts, will my life become better?
  • Is it where I find the truth?
  • Will it help me become a better person?

The Bible is its own best proof of its inspiration. So, we will

For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake [as they were] moved by the Holy Ghost. (2Pet 1:21 KJV)

   That’s God’s viewpoint. Let’s discuss that first and foremost. God inspired men, they spoke, and it was written. Some have suggested that the Bible was written only for the believer, that it was not written for the unbeliever, the critic. We disagree. Faith comes by hearing the words of God. We were all without God and without hope. The Creator had the Bible written for us, his creation. It unfolds in splendor the entire plan of God’s design for his family. His love, the difficulties presented when men and women have free will to follow his suggested path, or, to deviate from it. The Bible reveals God’s enemy, Satan, and how the enemy set out to corrupt humanity, and has succeeded partially, but will finally be destroyed. The scriptures reveal God’s unmatched love for his family, into which all are invited to belong, not by adoption, but by new birth. A spectacular new reality. A whole, new, and beautiful person learning to be filled with all God’s abundance.

   In striking contrast to what the Bible claims concerning itself, men, critics, and even some Bible scholars begin all examination into the integrity of the Bible (and for that matter any work of antiquity) by looking solely at the scientific evidence of its origin. Even so, God has assured us that above all, the Scriptures, what we call The Holy Bible, and what The Almighty has named as his Word was authored by him, and written by men who were inspired by the Holy Spirit, as to what to write.

All Scripture [is] (God-Breathed) given by inspiration of God, and [is] profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, (2Tim 3:16 NKJV)

Is it really that difficult to believe that the Creator of the heavens and the earth could easily find the wherewithal to both inspire and author the writing of a book and further, watch over his creation so that it could live from generation to generation?


The Bible Society of the United Kingdom calculates that the number of Bibles printed between 1816 and 1975 was 2,458,000,000. By 1992 the estimated number rose to nearly six billion. Furthermore, worldwide sales of the Bible number more than a staggering 100 million each year, far outpacing any other book in history. In 2014, 428.2 million Scriptures were distributed by Bible Societies, including full Bibles, Testaments, Gospels, and other smaller Scripture items. Without a doubt, the Bible is the best-selling book of all time. This means that as of 2007 approximately 7.5 billion Bibles have been distributed throughout the world—with the vast majority still available for use! And these figures do not include the various digital versions of the Bible being used today by millions of computers, e-readers, and iPhones. Currently, the complete Bible has been published in over 450 languages. The New Testament alone has been published in nearly 1,400 languages, with the Gospel of Mark in over 2,370 languages. Although these figures represent less than half of the languages and dialects presently in use in the world, they nonetheless include the primary vehicles of communication for well over 90% of the world’s population.

So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper [in the thing] whereto I sent it. (Isa 55:11)

   God has provided us with his Word, so that he may unveil himself to us. The Almighty chose the written word to reveal his innermost thoughts. Could he have created a DVD or a movie, or even made a record and sang his desire, to communicate with us? The answer is superfluous; in God’s wisdom, he chose the written word. With his words, he spoke the universe into creation. The Bible consists of two parts: the Old Testament and the New Testament. The Old Testament is the account of a nation: Israel. God’s chosen people at that time. The New Testament is the account of a man: Jesus, God’s Son. Israel was brought into existence by God, and nurtured by a long-suffering God to bring the man Jesus Christ into the world. That man would be the one to pay the ultimate penalty for the failure of the first man Adam, who gave mankind’s dominion over the earth to God’s enemy, Satan. The Christ would redeem mankind, pay the death sentence over mankind, and walk in a manner befitting a human being, a true son of God (the way the Creator had intended man to behave and live). Christ will rule over his father’s kingdom until the fullness of time arrives and he gives back all authority to his God and father. Acting as the loving son. 


Integrity is the state of being whole and complete, truthful, upright, and honoring one’s word as one’s self. God’s desire is that we fill our minds with his words, replacing the world’s words with the promises of God from the Bible.

  • The Bible provides hope in a hopeless world.
  • The Bible answers the question of who you really are. 
  • The Bible directs our steps in the right way. 
  • The Bible reveals the heart of God. 
  • The Bible shows us how to pray and reflect the gift of the Holy Spirit of God. 
  • It gives us certainty in an unsure world.

We Don’t Worship the Book—We Follow Its Guidance and Worship, the Author “What you believe about the Bible, God’s Word, can alter and enhance your life course, causing the most profound of impacts upon your life both now and throughout eternity.”

_Anthony Barbera

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