Anthony's Writer's Journey
About Writing

The Musical Rhythm of Writing
Writing and music both have rhythm and pacing. Consider this: You have commas, semicolons, dashes, and many other tools to change the flow—like whole notes, quarter notes, eighth rests, and sixteenth notes in music. Then there are the hundreds of musical designations, like Andante, Allegro, and many others. It’s all about timing and intensity—like yelling or whispering.

Mapping a Story: Develop a Unique Approach for a Bestselling Novel
Every book I write takes a unique approach. Some writers write straight from their minds,

When Your Characters Come Alive
When you’re characters come alive, writing is exhilarating! My labor of love lately has been

Fall In Love With Your Characters
WHEN YOU SPEND YEARS WRITING A NOVEL OR A SCREENPLAY—you’d better fall in love with your characters.

Writing Your First Novel? You’ve talked about it for years. Well, let’s stop procrastinating and

How Do I Find a Story’s Theme?
Then there was “theme,” a most important element in writing your first novel, yet it’s
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